How much would you pay for a stroller that fits almost anywhere?

A baby takes up a surprisingly large amount of space. Not the actual baby, of course, but the piles of onesies, newborn diapers, teething toys, and bottles that parents buy to go along with that cuddly lump. With all this extra stuff around, I perk up when a traditionally-large baby product promises to take up significantly less space than its competitors.

There are a lot of gadgets that promise to use smart technology to make your parenting life easier, and those promises don’t often pan out. But when you’re making a gadget for a baby, smart design usually trumps adding a Wi-Fi radio.

The gb Pockit stroller doesn’t have an app or a Bluetooth radio, but it has an incredibly smart design. It can be instantly collapsed to a size that’s...

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via The Verge
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