I saw something horrible and wrong in VR

Warning: this post includes graphic content.

I went over to a friend's house the other day to have some quality time in his Oculus Rift. He has a nice apartment, and instead of hiding the Oculus away in a bedroom, he's devised a setup where you can sit at the kitchen table in his brightly lit living room. It's nice; it makes VR feel a little more "social" and a little less "man cave."

We started with Dreamscape, the official collection of short, passive VR experiences Oculus provides, which was great. I hadn't seen all these tech demos before. They were fun, although not quite mind-melting. It was gentle way to start an afternoon of VR.

"Oh, you have to try this."

A lot of my VR experiences so far have been "piloted." I don't own a...

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via The Verge

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