All eyes may be turning to the Nintendo NX, but the home of Mario still has a few surprises up its sleeve ahead of its new console launch. Nintendo has just revealed that Super Mario Maker, one of the Wii U's best games, is coming to the Nintendo 3DS.
Perfectly suited to the dual-screen handheld device, the game will essentially mirror what was possible on the Wii U version – the 3DS touchscreen acts as your level-designing canvas, while the top screen is your play area, letting Mario jump through whatever dastardly creations you've put in front of him.
The game will launch with 100 built-in levels, though not all Wii U creations will be replicable on the 3DS version.
Streetpass sharing
Also missing will be the ability to download share user created levels over the internet. Only Wii U classics will be available online. But that's not to say Super Mario Maker players on 3DS won't be able to dip into the delights of other players creations entirely.
Instead, taking advantage of the 3DS's mobility, you'll be able to share levels with friends and strangers by directly downloading them over Streetpass, the handheld console's local wireless connection option.
While this may seem limiting compared to the wide variety of levels that Wii U players enjoy, the 3DS version will launch with a cool collaboration tool, letting nearby level designers work together to make the most madcap courses possible.
Super Mario Maker for the Nintendo 3DS will launch on December 2. Just in time to slip it onto your Christmas wishlist.
- Holding out for Nintendo's next console? Check out our Nintendo NX rumor round-up.