The Last Guardian is delayed once more

The Last Guardian is delayed once more

The highly anticipated PlayStation 4 title The Last Guardian has been delayed yet again. Don't despair too much, though, as it's still a 2016 release.

The news comes from the European PlayStation blog which states that the videogame's development team has had to make the "tough decision" to delay the title.

Instead of launching in October as originally planned it will now launch on December 7 2016 across Europe and December 9 across UK and Ireland.

Patience is a virtue

The team have decided to delay the game as they report they have encountered "more bugs than anticipated while in the final stages of development" and that "to ensure that The Last Guardian delivers on the experience that the game's creators have envisioned, [they] need to take the extra time to work on those issues."

This isn't the first delay The Last Guardian has faced since it was announced all the way back in 2009, but having waited this long fans can surely withstand waiting a few weeks more.

With raised expectations, of course.

The Last Guardian is a PlayStation exclusive title coming from Japanese developer SIE Japan Studio.

The game is a third-person adventure and puzzle title which centers around the story of a young boy and a fantastical creature named Trico.

It's fans of director and designer Fumito Ueda who are particularly excited as the title appears to share similarities with his highly acclaimed previous videogames Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.

Tag : Gaming News

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