Dishonored 2 is a serious game that doesn’t beg to be taken seriously

It’s not hard to talk about some of 2016’s biggest video games, even ones that are primarily shooting galleries, in terms that sound mature and universal. Watch Dogs 2 is a satire on Silicon Valley. Mafia 3 is an examination of racism. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is about transhumanism and conspiracy politics.

It’s difficult for me to describe Dishonored or its sequel, which was released a couple of weeks ago, this way. Dishonored 2 isn’t allegorical or self-critiquing. It’s not a knowing pastiche of a well-loved genre, or a subtle character study. It’s a game about a young empress or her grizzled father getting revenge on an immortal witch in order to restore a fantasy steampunk monarchy, using supernatural powers granted by an emo folk...

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via The Verge
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