Nvidia's holiday bundle offers free games for upgrading to VR

Virtual reality has certainly made its rounds in 2016, but those still holding out on upgrading can now score some free games just for jumping on the VR wagon.

Nvidia, purveyor of graphics cards like the GeForce GTX 1080 and 1070, are hosting a special bundle for those who buy a new GPU alongside one of the best VR headsets around: the HTC Vive.

The bundle includes three free games - robo-shooter Raw Data, run-and-gunner Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, and pub room simulator Sports Bar VR

To qualify, you'll need to purchase the Vive headset with either a GeForce GTX 1060, 1070, or 1080  - though select systems and laptops with one of those graphics cards inside are also applicable. From there, Nvidia will provide the redemption code for your free games. 

The list of participating retailers varies from country to country, with Newegg and Microsoft working with US shoppers and Overclockers UK and Scan Computers serving those in the UK. 

We have contacted a Nvidia representative to see if any deals will reach audiences in Australia, as well.

According to Microsoft's sales page, the bundle is live now through to January 30, though both Nvidia and ourselves urge buyers to check their country's available retailers to learn more about what restrictions may apply.

Tag : Gaming News

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