The cheapest places to buy Pokemon Sun and Moon

Just in case you haven’t already purchased Pokémon Sun and Moon, we’ve gathered the places to get the very best deals.

Both Sun and Moon are two of the most pre-ordered Nintendo games of the last five years, and each is rather good. Be sure to read our full review of the game right here.

Below we have some of the best deals and prices we can find for Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

As far as getting your hands on the basic game, Toys R Us is the cheapest place to go. At £29.99, it’s selling it even cheaper than it’s selling older games in the series. 

Nintendo is selling the basic game for slightly more at £39.99 but this includes an exclusive sun or moon pin which fans might find is worth dropping slightly more.

  • Toys R Us - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £29.99
  • SimplyGames - Pokémon Moon - £28.99
  • Smyths - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £31.99
  • Sainsburys - Pokémon Moon - £31.99 Sainsburys only has Moon listed on its site, but both titles are available in store for £31.99
  • Tesco - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £32
  • Amazon - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £32
  • Nintendo UK - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £39.99

Pokémon Sun and Moon Steelbook Fan edition

For true Pokémon masters, there’s something undeniably appealing about a steelbook cover and the cheapest place you’ll be able to purchase this fan-focused version of Pokémon Sun and Moon is Smyths Toys. 

Once more, though, Nintendo is able to differentiate itself slightly as despite charging more for the special cover at £44.99, it also throws in a special legendary Pokémon figurine of either Lunala or Solgaleo. 

These are likely to sell fast, though. 

  • Smyths - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £35.99
  • SimplyGames - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £34.85
  • Toys R Us - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £39.99
  • Argos - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £39.99
  • Nintendo UK - Pokémon Sun and Moon - £44.99

Pokémon Sun and Moon console bundles

The only place we can find the special edition 3DS XL still in stock is Argos, which is selling it for £179.99. But it's really important to note that if you do buy this version of the console, the game and the console charger don't come included and will have to be purchased separately. 

As far as 2DS bundles are concerned, the pricing seems to be fairly set across all retailers, sitting at around £89.99 in Tesco, Toys R Us, and Smyths.

  • Don't miss your chance to get some great Black Friday deals this week

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