No Man's Sky Path Finder update adds planetside transport this week

It’s safe to say No Man’s Sky disappointed many upon its release last year. 

What was billed as an epic space exploration game ended up feeling barren and devoid of meaningful progression or content. 

To its credit, developer Hello Games has been hard at work righting the game’s original wrongs since its release, and has just announced the Path Finder Update, which is due to be released later in the week. 

A new set of wheels

The big addition with this update is a new vehicle which you can use to get around your home planet, a concept introduced in the previous Foundation update, a lot more easily. 

Other than that, details are scarce on the new update. 

For what it’s worth, our issues with the game were less about the mechanics of it and more about there simply not being enough to do in the universe of No Man’s Sky. 

If updates such as this continue, then the game could evolve into a much more compelling experience. 

Could, mind, could. 

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