The near-futurism of Disney Channel original movies — does it hold up?

Does It Hold Up is a chance to re-experience childhood favorites of books, movies, TV shows, video games, and other cultural phenomenon decades later. Have they gotten better like a fine wine, or are we drinking cork?

A cornerstone of any pre-teen’s life between 1998 to 2007 was the Disney Channel original movie. If you grew up during that time you do not need a refresher on why movies like Halloweentown or Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century were popular — they were your main option for entertainment because you were constantly at home! (That is what it is like to not have a driver’s license.) But you may need a refresher on their content, because I just revisited a bunch of them and they are not what I thought. Oddly, they are not...

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via The Verge

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