Mossberg: Smartwatches need to get smarter

Welcome to Mossberg, a weekly commentary and reviews column on The Verge and Re/code by veteran tech journalist Walt Mossberg, now an Executive Editor at The Verge and Editor at Large of Re/code.

Like most of you reading this, I conduct much of my professional and personal life via digital devices. But which of them could I do without?

Well, for me, having no smartphone would be the worst. I'd feel cut off from other people. Losing my laptop would be a close second, since it's my main work tool and my best display for browsing and video viewing. I'm a big tablet guy, so I'd hate to lose my iPad, which I now use for many things, including work tasks.

But my $700, stainless steel Apple Watch? If that somehow went away, I expect...

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via The Verge

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