They released an unfinished, broken game. They should have delayed it. They knew better, and they rushed into it because of the pure financial incentives to do so. Shame on them.
Anyways, all of that could be water under the bridge soon because Capcom has finally spilled some of the details on the big March update that will actually make the game somewhat more complete. I mean, in the main menu, the 'Challenges' and 'Store' sections are down because they weren't finished in time for the launch of the game. Which makes you question why games have real release dates anymore, instead of just going from alpha to beta to early access. I blame brick-and-mortar stores for chaining us to useless boxed copies of games, and to discs that need installs just the same as digital purchases.
But I digress! The next update for Street Fighter V brings with it the full Challenge mode, the store (where we get to finally use our in-game currency 'fight money' on costumes), and most importantly, the first DLC character Alex. He was technically the main character of the Street Fighter III games, and now he's back after fan requests for more than a decade. Alex is a grappler who can also combo into big damage with his rushdown style of gameplay. I wonder if he'll stay a hybrid of charge moves and non-charge moves, or get updated like Chun-Li and M. Bison did.
If any of that was too nerdy for you, here is what is important minus the jargon: this update is coming soon, and is very good. If you were waiting to buy into this game, now is the time to do it. This update was badly needed, and this is a very good sign for the game. Now if only they can keep this momentum going with monthly updates, that would be great.
Click here to read the whole blogpost straight from Capcom, including screenshots of Alex and more specific buffs and nerfs for the other characters.
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