If you want the full new Hitman on disc, you'll have to wait until 2017

If you want the full new Hitman on disc, you'll have to wait until 2017

That clanging sound you heard today was embargoes lifting the world over on the latest Hitman game.

You can read techradar's review here, but if you aren't happy that Hitman is coming out episodically, then you've got a long wait ahead: Hitman isn't coming out in full-fat disc version until January 2017.

The physical version was meant to launch later this year, and it's unclear why there has been a delay.

Developer IO Interactive said it really, really wants people to try the game out in episodic form, as it reckons that's the best way to enjoy it, saying: "Everything we learned over the course of more than 15 years went into this game."

Seven episodes of the game will be released throughout 2016.

"We thoroughly dissected every previous Hitman game, identified everything we and our longtime fans loved about them and took that as a starting point to build upon and create a truly episodic AAA game."

Tag : Gaming News

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