This Pokémon Go wearable is the next best thing to a real Pokéball

This Pokémon Go wearable is the next best thing to a real Pokéball

Pokémon Go, the mobile game that will let you catch Pokémon in the real world, isn't launching until next month but that hasn't stopped Nintendo from announcing a wearable for the game.

The Pokémon Go Plus wearable will cost $35 and will alert players when Pokémon are nearby. The wearable will blink blue if there's a pocket monster nearby that's ready for you to try and catch. Press the wearable's only button and you'll automatically attempt to catch that Pokémon with an in-game Pokéball. A rainbow light pattern means you successfully captured it and a blinking red light means it got away.

Pokemon Go battle

Unlike the Pokémon games, you won't be able to weaken a Pokémon to make it easier to capture. Your only option is purchasing different types of Pokéballs from Poké Stop stores. Still, it looks fun and fans will likely still hold their breath in anticipation as the Pokéball light blinks.

Pokémon Go Plus will connect to your phone via Bluetooth and comes with a fashionable strap. It's meant to be worn on the wrist like a fitness tracker and will let other Pokémon trainers know how legit you are.

Nintendo didn't name a hard release date for the Pokémon Go Plus wearable, though it did say it will be out at the end of July, which is just a few weeks away.

Tag : Gaming News

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