Cyber Monday delivers the best PS4 deal we've ever seen

Cyber Monday is officially a thing in the UK - it has delivered what is without doubt the best PS4 deal ever. Literally ever.

Before Black Friday, the best PS4 deal out there was a bundle with FIFA 17 for £237. Today, that deal has been beaten by several orders of magnitude.

That's because Zavvi has gone all-out to own the Cyber Monday PS4 deals with this absolute stunner. The deal is this: PS4 Slim 500GB with copies of Uncharted 4, FIFA 17, Fallout 4 and Doom for just £229.99. Yes, that's a PS4 and four triple-A games for £229.99.

The best PS4 deal ever!

A week ago you couldn't even get a PS4 Slim on its own for £229.99 so this really is an absolutely ridiculous deal. We have no way of knowing how long it'll last for though so if you like the look of it, get it now!

Tag : Gaming News

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