Watch 101 PC games in 4 minutes – how many have you played?

Fancy a trip down gaming memory lane for 2016? Well, you’ll have to make sure your seatbelt is well and truly fastened for this particular white-knuckle tour of 101 PC games that made an impact this year.

This video clip roundup comes courtesy of the good folks over at PC Gamer, and covers all that gaming turf in just over four minutes. In other words, you’ll be looking at one game every two-and-a-half seconds.

So best not to blink much…

As PC Gamer notes, bear in mind that this isn’t a compilation of the best games which came out in 2016 – although many of those are covered, certainly – it’s more about the games which became known and made an impact for reasons good or bad.

Something for everyone

As you’ll see when you watch the video below, a diverse range of titles is covered in the compilation clip, from big-name AAA efforts to indie gems, all coming in chronological order from January through to December.

From Battlefield 1, Doom and Overwatch, through to We Happy Few, Hyper Light Drifter and Enter the Gungeon, you’ll find plenty to tickle your fancy here, and likely a good deal of inspiration in terms of what to consider for your next PC game purchase.

Of course, as we suggested in the title, the other thing you could do is count up the games you’ve dabbled with, and work out your total percentage of the games covered here which you’ve played – post the resulting figure in the comments section if you feel inclined (and no lying, either).

Tag : Gaming News

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