Taser's newest 'less-lethal' weapon is meant for concealed carry

If you want to defend yourself, but don't want to carry a firearm (for whatever reason), Taser thinks it has the answer: it's called the Pulse and it's a new, subcompact self-defense weapon meant for easy concealed carry.

About the size of a carry-focused handgun, the Pulse uses the same electrical tech as Taser's police-focused weapons, but without expensive law enforcement-focused add-ons like data logs, charge metering, and an on-board camera. It starts at $399, and includes an on-board laser sight and flashlight.

It includes some nice features to make things easier for concealed carry, including shaved safeties, angled sights, and an angled trigger guard to keep sharp edges from snagging upon draw or reholster, and a...

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via The Verge

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