Why Black Friday is the perfect time to pick up the games you haven't played yet

Whether you're playing on PS4, Xbox One or PC, games don't come cheaply these days. You're left weighing up the cost-to-enjoyment ratio more than you would, say, a cinema ticket, so it often feels a bit dicier when picking up anything but the triple-AAA, 5-star games.

Which is a real shame! They may not be perfect, but there are plenty of fun games that just slip short of greatness. Which is why Black Friday is a great time to dip back into those games you may have missed.

With warehouses full of stock of under-performing games, there's a good chance that a game you passed on at full price could get a Black Friday deal price cut. Here are a few of our favorite good-but-not-great games that we think are well worth a play - at the right price.

Black Friday game deals we want to see

First up is Mirror's Edge Catalyst, pictured up top. A prequel to 2008's Mirror's Edge, it featured all the first game's free-running first-person action, dressed up with a fresh lick of paint.

An asynchronous multiplayer mode was well-received, and the game's large open design made perfect use of the free-flowing parkour movement, and looked beautifully futuristic. But combat annoyed some, and the story was a little lacklustre.

But it's still a unique experience - if it gets a Black Friday price drop, it'd be well worth picking up.

The most contentious game of the year, No Man's Sky promised the universe, but fell short of the stratospheric expectations it set for itself.

Using an insane procedural generation algorithm, it was an essentially endless space exploration game. You could fly off between planet to planet, on a quest to reach the center of the universe. It was a technical marvel, with wholly new and unique creates to encounter on every new world.

However, for a game this big, there simply wasn't enough to do, and repetition kicked in.

That's not to say No Man's Sky isn't worth a play - far from it, as it stands as an amazing achievement. You may not be able to live out every sci-fi dream in it, but should No Man's Sky receive a Black Friday price cut, there's more than enough wonder to be had at pocket-money prices.

The Division is actually a solid online multiplayer shooter that's both reviewed and sold well. So why is it on this list? There's a good chance that you may have passed up on Ubisoft's persistent shooter due to the number of bugs it launched with.

But, with its near-future post-apocalyptic setting, gorgeous third-person visuals and fully-realised New York City, it gives loot-grabbing first person titles like Borderlands and Destiny a run for its money.

Alongside Ubisoft's other recent-decent, the prehistorically-themed Far Cry: Primal, Black Friday may prove to be the perfect time to pick up The Division if you missed out the first time around.

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Tag : Gaming News

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