Show Notes: Cars are just rolling computers

Before every episode of The Vergecast I sit down, read through a bunch of news, and take a bunch of notes. It’s one of the most enjoyable parts of my week, and I started thinking it might be fun to do every day on the site. So, every day this week I’m sitting down and writing some notes on the news as though I’ll be talking about it later. Are you into this? Am I into this? I don’t know. But it’s fun to do! Give me some feedback and we’ll keep mutating this into something good.

Show Notes will be a bit lighter than usual this week, as I’m at SXSW this week with a bunch of Verge reporters and people from across Vox Media. SXSW itself seems a bit slower on tech side than usual, but the culture team keeps finding great stuff. Keep up with...

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via The Verge

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