This is what happens when NASA engineers hold a pumpkin-carving competition

It feels like it's been Halloween for weeks, but (fun fact here) it's actually only Halloween today. So although you may be suffering from spooky-fatigue, you've got one last chance to enjoy the season. You could put up some decorations, buy some sweets for trick or treaters, and maybe even carve a pumpkin or two..? And if you're looking for inspiration, we have just the thing: the annual pumpkin-carving competition at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.

Now, pumpkin carving isn't exactly rocket science, so it's no surprise that NASA's finest have managed to produce some extraordinary creations. According to Wired, entrants to the competition (which isn't actually judged) had just an hour to carve their gourds, with final entries including a P...

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via The Verge

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